CIRCLE - The Centre for Innovation, Research, Creativity and Leadership in Education has been a leading voice in global education for over a decade.
Drawing on the distinguished legacy of Creative School Management (established in 1982), CIRCLE was founded in 2010 by our Managing Partner, Dr Phil Cummins. From its inception, CIRCLE engaged in a significant body of educational and organisational work with schools, tertiary bodies and other educational institutions, motivated by a clear purpose to equip, empower and enable schools to help achieve better outcomes for more learners.
CIRCLE's significant global network of schools centred on the knowledge architecture derived from its research and consulting practice.
This ongoing body of research work, developed in conjunction with our tertiary and other educational partnerships, included groundbreaking developments in our understanding about the character of an excellent education with a particular focus on:
CIRCLE provided premium consulting services in education to a wide range of individual schools, professional associations and other not for profit organisations in different sectors globally.
CIRCLE also designed and delivered accredited postgraduate tertiary programs, professional learning, symposia and other professional development events across the world.
CIRCLE's evidence-based and research-driven knowledge architecture have been captured in an extensive series of books, professional journals and other publications.
In 2018, CIRCLE Education Singapore Pte Ltd acquired the assets of the original Australian entity CIRCLE - The Centre for Innovation, Research, Creativity and Leadership in Education Pty Ltd and shifted its headquarters to Singapore, reflecting the organisation's increasing global reach and influence. In 2021, the Australian entity CIRCLE - The Centre for Innovation, Research, Creativity and Leadership in Education ceased operations.
The work of Circle Education Singapore and its sister company dISC continues.
In 2020, a School for tomorrow. was established to help students, teachers and school leaders to thrive in the new world environment. Drawing on the established and developing knowledge architecture of CIRCLE, a School for tomorrow. continues to consult with schools and other organisations through its school development programs. It also provides its network with a digitally integrated student community – a journey, a community and a market-place of courses, resources and other products and services to support how they learn, live, lead and work with purpose.
The Game Changers podcast series is the signal public education program for a School for tomorrow. and is now the leading educational podcast in its region.
CIRCLE remains nested within Alphacrucis College as a tertiary research centre and conducts ongoing research activity for a School for tomorrow. We routinely publish the findings of our research program and our broader knowledge architecture under the "Programs and Research" and "Public Education Library" tabs on this website.
The current research and publication program that CIRCLE is undertaking with the member schools of our a School for tomorrow. network over 2021-2022 focuses on:
a School for tomorrow. (supported by CIRCLE as its research institute) invites you to join the movement and come with us on an ongoing journey of exploration, encounter and discovery.