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Social Activities And Clubs

We need to work out a manageable range of social activities and clubs that will enhance our sense of connectedness and increase our important and useful relationships – how we select which groups of people we will join that will align with and support our lifestyles and our sense of belonging, the fulfilment of our potential, and our propensity to do that which is good and right.


Socialising is a key component of learning. Our mental health and wellness are significantly buffered by creating time in our busy lives to spend with our friends and those people whose company we enjoy. Finding communities and being a part of clubs both play a central role in helping us feel accepted, welcomed and important. We do better in all respects when we are connected to healthy communities that allow us to enjoy life. These communities of structured activity that carry with them formal and informal social ritual and meaningful tradition that promote a culture that is worth passing on to others can also assist us in finding our place and answering the question: whose are we?

Being a part of these communities, therefore, brings us closer to others and feel good about ourselves. Being a positive member of a club or activity that provides us with a vehicle for meaningful contribution and that values the contributions of others helps us grow to value our presence and impact on the mutual activity, interest or community in which we share. In particular, this means we need to be responsible for ourselves, put our best foot forward and be considerate towards our peers who also want to share this space. Debating clubs, video-game clubs, faculty societies – the list of social spaces that exist for our enjoyment, our mutual social connection, and, where appropriate, the exercise of our natural instincts to be competitive as well as to collaborate are plentiful and readily accessible. Taking advantage of these opportunities and building life-long routines of structured recreation in company is a habit that is good for all of us.

What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.”

Kurt Vonnegut

Selecting which communities and activities suit us best can be difficult but there's no harm in trying a good handful at least before deciding where we feel most at home. We should not only look for an environment that aligns with our interests, competencies, and values but also one that supports our lifestyle, our sense of purpose, and the fulfilment of our potential. As well, it is important that we engage in social activities which leave a positive impact on our community or the lives of others. While conventional recreational societies and clubs often engage in these sorts of activities, volunteering for a local agency or community project that specifically aims to improve the lives of others is a worthwhile pursuit in its own right. These activities and communities not only leave us fulfilled and happy but they also contribute positively to the people they serve and represent an opportunity for us to grow our sense of service and character.

Sharing these spaces with people we care about is also important. Inviting our friends, family, and other community members to join our clubs and activities gives us a chance to share with them the experience of interests and pastimes that are important to us. This can help them understand, identify with, and connect with us in a more meaningful way. The simple act of doing something meaningful together fosters stronger, deeper bonds of affection and camaraderie. Social clubs and activities represent the opportunity to grow, therefore, through their opportunities to challenge ourselves, serve others and build character.

We can contemplate our involvement in Social Activities and Clubs by considering the following questions:

  • Do I feel that social activities are good for my mental health and wellness?
  • Do I take responsibility for myself and show care for others when I am attending events or participating in club activities?
  • Do others consider me to bring good judgement to any situation and to be a positive member of the activities and club I join?
  • Do I volunteer for a service or community agency, project, or initiative that makes a positive difference in the lives of others?
  • Do I encourage a diverse range of people and friends to join in the activities which I enjoy and value?

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